Royal Air Force
Administrative Apprentices Association

Multum A Parvo

Regional Groups

Northern Ireland Group

The NI Regional Group

The Giants Causeway
The Giants Causeway
NI Group Coordinator John Davies 303rd Entry
NI Group Coordinator John Davies 303rd Entry


The Northern Ireland Group has now been officially formed. The coordinator for  the group is John Davies (303rd) and details on how to contact him will be made available on the Contact Us section of the website. All ex-admin apprentices living in Northern Ireland are welcome to join the group.


Meeting July 2018











From left to right: Sam Haslett, John Davies, Steve Ings and Silvana, Dorothy Davies, John Wells, Pat Wells and Arlene Haslett


On Friday, 27th July 2018 members in Northern Ireland held their Annual Reunion in The Edenmore Golf and Country Club, Magheralin, Co. Down. Those in attendance were John Wells (44th) and Pat; Sam Haslett (45th) and Arlene; John Davies (303rd) and Dorothy; and Steve Ings (317th) and Silvana.

Our numbers were down in comparison to our 2017 Reunion as our Senior Member, Pat Wedlock (12th) and his wife Marion, regular attendees at all our events, were unable to attend. Also, during the year we said goodbye to Alan Scott (310th) and his wife Irene who have moved to live in England. We later decamped to Sam and Arlene’s residence – which they had decorated throughout with RAF100 Flags – to enjoy their kind hospitality and partake in more socialising and impromptu entertainment in the form of poetry reading! – see Ode to the Reunion 2018.



Ode to R.A.F.Admin. Apprentice’s Association. Reunion. 2018 – Arlene Haslett. (27.07.2018

Another year gone: a new party we greet,
After a successful last year, where we all did meet.
Our new members all have settled in,
To join with the old, with Wine & Gin.

Our host John, pulled off another grand fete ,
Getting us together, through the Edenmore gate,
A pleasant venue with a beautiful view,
To chat & listen with our “Motley Crew!”

A significant year to celebrate these occasions,
Our Airmen fought to stop the invasions,
Many a battle with joy & tears
The R.A.F. has reached a 100 years.

Our veterans here are joined together,
By shared memories & lots of blether!
We wives & partners are driven insane,
As we hear the stories again & again!

I trust we will meet many more times,
With stories I hear of Don Rule & Mick Grimes,
I trust the evening has been fun & pleasant,
And hope I don’t get complaints from the rest of the Crescent!







22 December 2015

Norlthern Ireland Group July 2017
Back Row: Sam Haslett, Pat Wedlock, John Davies, John Wells, Steve Ings and Alan Scott Front Row: Arlene, Marion, Dorothy, Silvana, Pat and Irene

Report Of Meeting 7th July 2017

On Friday, 7th July 2017 members in Northern Ireland joined together to enjoy an evening of food, drink (a small quantity of) and comradeship in The Planters Tavern, Waringstown, Co. Down.    Those in attendance were Pat Wedlock (12th) and Marion; John Wells (44th) and Pat; Sam Haslett (45th) and Arlene; John Davies (303rd) and Dorothy; Alan Scott (310th) and Irene and Steve Ings (317th) and Silvana.   Following which we all decamped to Sam and Arlene’s residence to enjoy their kind hospitality and partake in more socialising and impromptu entertainment in the form of poetry reading!   – See Ode to the Reunion 2017 below:




Ode to the Reunion 2017!

            By Arlene


Another year older another year gone,

And we meet again with our best gear on.

We pick a venue and a suitable date

For the Rafaaa reunion and we’re never late.

More new members, & some old ones too,

John has worked his magic as he is wont to do

He lifts the phone & it rings & rings

And now he’s got back his friend: Steve Ings!

We haven’t tracked down a colleague so cool

He was discussed a lot. Who? Don Rule!

The old faithfuls, Crawford & Sam

Turn up with John, for their Steak or Lamb

The craic is good & their spirit doesn’t wane

They forget the stories were told again & again!

But who cares, it’s the company that matters,

With plenty of wine, chat & natters.

The Group has expanded from the famous six,

Doubled in size, so we must take pics!

We end the evening with drinks & dance

And some music which makes Sam rant.

Some too modern, which makes him moan.

He would play Russell Watson ‘til the cows come home.


Per Ardua Ad Astra!









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Due to unforeseen circumstances, Alan Bell, is unable to carry out his role as Website Manager, until further notice.

All website enquiries should be addressed to Steve Day, Newsletter Editor and Vice-Chairman; e-mail:
Tel: 01427 787582
Mobile: 07855 193471

A further update will be issued in due course. Thankyou.