Royal Air Force
Administrative Apprentices Association

Multum A Parvo

Regional Groups

The South West Herts Group

A Short History Of The SW Herts Group – Trevor Moore 14th Entry

In 2002 four members of the Association met up one evening at the “Moon under Water” pub (Wetherspoons) in Watford, Hertfordshire with a view to meeting up on a regular social basis All were from the Watford area – Trevor Moore (14th) Haydn Illingworth (21st ) Phil Gough (31st) and Peter Ralph (46th) Noel Hayes (also 31st friend of Phil) but from London joined us later. Apart from Phil and Noel we had never previously met during our RAF service. Thus the “Watford Flight” (really only a “Squad” !) was the original foundation of what is now the “South West Herts Group”.

These get togethers carried on for a few months, until Trevor organised a visit to the Officers’ Mess at RAF Bentley Priory on a Saturday lunchtime and from there the PMC approved that we could meet on a 6 monthly basis using the Mess facilities. The membership quickly grew and on a “focal point” basis, not simply County based (ie Herts), and that principle owed much to the success of what fast became the South West Herts Group. RAF Bentley Priory, the former famous HQ of Fighter Command, and then HQ Numbers grew to some 25 on the mailing list from Herts and the surrounding Counties, and functions included ladies guest days and guided tours of the Priory. One of the photographs on this site shows our largest ever gathering of members, on the steps of the Priory, at the final formal re-union inthe Summer of 2007 prior to the closing of the Priory as an RAF base.

It was at one our meetings in 2005 that we invited four ex-Ruislip members and the photograph shows the four, two who subsequently joined our Association ,and in particular Jack Marshall who has continued with the SW Herts Group as a regular member to our now quarterly functions.

When the Priory finally closed in early 2008, due to Government defence cut backs, we decided to continue the Group if we could find an alternative venue ideally in the same area as the Priory. What better place than one of the oldest pubs in the locality – the Three Crowns in BusheyHeath. Our first meet there was on Saturday 3rd May 2008, and thanks to the continued support of our regular and new members, we have held quarterly meets usually on the first Saturday of the month – Feb, May, Aug , and Nov.

Our 10th Anniversary of the Group’s foundation was held in May 2012 and the photos and report are within this site records.


Posted 23rd August 2024

SW Herts AAA Reunion 3rd August 24 – Phil Gough (31st)

Keeping up the tradition we met at the Three Crowns, Bushey Heath,
Herts for the second of our three meetings this year. As you can see
from the dress code it was a warm day (perhaps all those smart blazers
have worn out now?). The below average attendance enabled a
pleasant natter around one table. Welcomed by the new licensees Kris
and Bobbi were:
Front Phil Gough (31 st ), Tony Parsons (19 th ), David Marshall (24 th )
Back Ron Anders (29 th ), John Forshaw (20 th ), George Masson (29 th )
Apologies from Peter Ralph (46 th ), Terry Waine (35 th ) and David
Ainsworth (304 th )


Posted 3rd June 2023

 Our Summer meeting was well attended in this our 21st year since four of us first met in Watford.  Welcomed at the Three Crowns Bushey Heath our venue for many of those years were: (front) Ron Anders (29th), Tony Parsons (19th), Peter Forster (29th), George Masson (29th), Phil Gough (31st).  (back row) John Forshaw (20th), David  Marshall (24th), David Ainsworth (304th), Peter Ralph (46th), George Masson (29th).  Apologies from Terry Waine (35th) and Noel Hayes (31st). 

We would love to see some new faces we aren’t just for Herts members, any ex-AA welcome from anywhere.

Meeting Of The South West Herts Group 6th April 2024 – Phil Gough (31st)

The first reunion of the year as you can see from the picture took place at the Three Crowns, Bushey Heath, Herts, our venue for the last 19 years.  Slightly diminished turnout, with apologies from George Masson and Peter Forster (29th) Noel Hayes (31st), Peter Ralph (46th) and David Ainsworth (304th).  It is sad to report that Peter Moir (17th) died on 12th May, he told me he was coming but the acute low blood pressure that led to his death prevented him.  He was our Senior Man and had been coming to our meetings for many years.  A keen and athletic cyclist he bought himself out of adult RAF service and then worked for the Post Office.

In the photograph the familiar faces are: front row Ron Anders (29th), Phil Gough (31st), David Marshall (24th)

Back row Tony Parsons (19th), Terry Waine (35th), John Forshaw (20th)

Our next meetings are 3rd August and 7th December.  We would love to see new faces, all ex-Admin Apprentices from anywhere always welcome.

Phil Gough (31st)


 Meeting Of The South West Herts Group 1st April 2023 – Phil Gough (31st)

Our SW Herts “Flight” met for the first of our meetings of 2023 on 1st April at the habitual hostelry of the Three Crowns, Bushey Heath, Herts. We have settled to a core attendance of around seven, but not always the same ones, drawn from around a dozen who include a few who we welcome from time to time.
In our group on the familiar steps are L to R: Phil Gough (31st), bearded mine host, John Forshaw (20th), Peter Ralph (46th), Tony Parsons (19th), Terry Wain (35th), George Masson (29th) and David Marshall (24th).


Posted 23rd November 2022

SW Herts Group Meeting 6th August 2022– Phil Gough (31st)

The SW Herts Flight met on 6 August 22, at the usual venue of the Three Crowns, Bushey Heath. This is our 20th year of reunions, starting with four of us brought together by the late Trevor Moore (15th) at the Watford Wetherspoons, before migrating briefly to the Officers’ mess at Bentley Priory and then down the road to our long time very welcoming hosts. Present in the picture on an evidently hot day are the regulars:
George Masson (29th), Phil Gough (31st), Terry Waine (35th), David Marshall (24th) and Peter Ralph (46th). John Forshaw (20th) also with us but left early. Apology from Tony Parsons (19th) who was at the Halton centenary bash.

Posted 9th July 2022

SW Herts Group Meeting 2nd April 2022– Phil Gough (31st)

Our Herts reunion group met on April 2nd at the customary venue of the Three Crowns at Bushey Heath, WD23. Eight of  us met for lunch, natter and inevitable photo, arresting a slow decline in the turnout in recent years.  We were pleased to welcome David Ainsworth (304th) our first 300 series ex-Apprentice for some time.  We agreed to look into the possibility of a visit to RAF Northolt later in the year.  An invitation to Association members will be extended if there is a positive response from the OC.   L to R: David Marshall (23rd), Peter Moir (17th), Phil Gough (31st), Peter Forster (29th), David Ainsworth (304th), Peter Ralph (46th), Ron Anders (29th), George Masson (29th), Tony Parsons (19th). Apologies from Derek Hobden (19th), John Forshaw (20th) and Noel Hayes (31st).  Sorry to hear from Derek that he will unlikely be able to attend again due to poor health.

Posted 20th September 2021

SW Herts Group Meeting 11th September 2021– Phil Gough (31st)

The SW Herts group of the Association had a variation on the routine of our reunions on 11 September 2021 when we made a trip to the Bentley Priory Museum at Stanmore.  We were welcomed by volunteer guides Clive and Steve and given a tour of the exhibits and the reconstructed Filter and Ops room.  Our last visit in 2013 was led by the late  messrs Haydn Illingworth (21st) and Trevor Moore (15th).  We thought that the story of the Battle had been brilliantly brought together and was coherent and absorbing.  We were cheered by the fine job made of preserving the landscaping of the setting of the Priory in no way spoiled by the housing development nearby.   It was then a short drive to our usual venue the Three Crowns in Bushey Heath for an enjoyable lunch and natter.

In the photograph taken at the Priory are (L to R) John Forshaw (20th),  Peter Moir (17th), Tony Parsons (19th), Phil Gough (31st), David Marshall (23rd), Peter Forster (29th), George Masson (29th).  Not on visit Peter Ralph (46th).  Apologies from Derek Hobden (19th), Noel Hayes (31st) and Terry Waine (35th).


Posted 2nd December 2020

SW Herts Group Meeting August 2020 – Phil Gough (31st)

Suitably distancing ourselves the SW Herts AAA reunion at the Three Crowns, Bushey Heath, Herts formed up in brilliant sunshine on 1st August 2020.   The social distancing was eased by being able to dine in the garden, well looked after by manager Kat and her team. Undoubtedly the urge to socialise after months of lockdown made for the best turnout we have had for a while, the 29th entry being well represented.


The picture shows group members:

Phil Gough (31st), George Masson (29th), Peter Ralph (46th), Pete Forster (29th), John Forshaw (20th), Ron Anders (29th). David Marshall (23rd), Pat Hayes and Noel Hayes (31st).


Our next meeting of the year is scheduled for 6 December, but at time of writing is not certain so I will email members if we are going ahead with it.


Posted 6th February 2020


The third SW Herts reunion of 2019 took place as usual at the Three Crowns Bushey Heath on 7 Dec.  Numbers have dropped over the past year to around seven from nine or more so we welcome any member who has not been for a while for what is always a convivial and excellent lunch.  In the photo (indoors this time, are we getting soft?) are L to R Irene Scott, Brian Scott (32nd), David Marshall (23rd), Ken Roost (1st) Tony Parsons (19th), Phil Gough (31st).  A great joy to welcome back Ken our “Senior Man” who is still under treatment for a serious illness.

Posted 7th November 2019

SW Herts AAA visit to former RAF Uxbridge Museum –  phil gough 31st
Visit to Uxbridge by WH Group

On 6th August 2019 five members of the SW Herts AAA reunion group took a sortie to the Battle of Britain museum and bunker at the former Fighter Command 11 Group headquarters at Uxbridge.  We were made welcome as ex-Apprentices with free entry, and after a light lunch and a tour of the interesting modern museum, descended the 78 steps 60 feet below ground to the Operations and Plotting rooms.  The latter was shown as it was on 15 September 1940, the day Winston Churchill visited on that crucial day.  David Dyer a former Boy Entrant Clk GD gave a lively account of what we were seeing and conveyed something of the tension and excitement of the air battle.

Present from the SW Herts reunion group L to R  are: Tom Price-Rees (40th), Peter Moir (17th), Phil Gough (31st), David Marshall (24th), Peter Ralph (46th).

This was the last time we shall see Tom Price-Rees who sadly died on 4th November after having been in intensive care since he collapsed on the golf course on 20th September. This is a deep shock to us all as he was an active tennis and golf player as well as a passionate hill walker in Spain.


The second of our three meetings of the year at the customary venue of the Three Crowns at Bushey Heath, Herts. The pub staff was thanked for providing an excellent lunch that was enjoyed with good conversation as ever. Absent was Ken Roost (1st) whose son told us he had just come out of hospital after a month of investigations, and apologies from Peter Ralph (46th), Phil Gough and Noel Hayes (both 31st) Peter Moir (17th) and Ron Anders (29th). We were saddened to learn afterwards that Haydn Illingworth (21st) had died a few days previously after coping with cancer for several years, he was just on the point of being discharged from hospital. Haydn was one of four founder members of our ‘Flight’ founded by the late Trevor Moore (15th) in 2002 in Watford.
Back row: Derek Hobden (19th), Terry Waine (35th), Tom Price-Rees (40th), David Marshall (24th). Front: Tony Parsons (19th), John Forshaw (20th), Irene and Brian Scott (32nd).
Our next reunion will be on Saturday 1st December 2018, arrive after 11.15 and all ex-AA’s and partners welcome.


A good turnout of AAA members on December 2nd for the last of our three meetings in 2017. A pleasant natter after we had reorganised the table layout followed by lunch at the habitual venue of the Three Crowns in Bushey Heath, Herts. Apologies from Peter Moir (17th), Haydn Illingworth (21st) and Brian Scott (32nd). We signed a card to John Summers (18th) who has moved to a care home in Kent. We were saddened to hear of the death in late November of Phil Eltringham (31st). Next meeting Saturday 7th April 2018 11.15hrs.
Phil Gough
Back: John Forshaw (20th), Peter Ralph (46th) George Masson (29th), Tom Price-Rees (40th)
Middle: Terry Waine (35th), Tony Parsons (19th)
Front: Noel Hayes (31st), Phil Gough (31st) Ken Roost (1st) David Marshall (24th) Derek Hobden (19th)








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