Gloucester – Mike Day 38th
Our first luncheon of 2017 was held in our usual haunt at The Royal Oak, Birdlip on the 5th May. Unfortunately we were a bit scarce on the ground with only 6 of us, this may have been because I had been quite pre-occupied and had to arrange it at a late stage. However it was good in one way that we could hold a conversation between us discussing all sorts of memories. Sadly one of our regular attendees Tom Worsfold (5th Entry) died last month. Although he was not a well man it came as a shock as I only found out on the morning of his funeral (at the Burford Seniors roll up) but was able to attend his cremation as a representative of the Association. On our previous luncheon on the 18th October 2016 he is positioned top left.
Gloucester Group 5 May 2017 from left to right:
Mike Day (38th) Barry Sturgeon (36th) Jim Wilcox (5th)Bill Huggins (5th) John Dyer (46th) Patrick Bunn (34th)
( New members are very welcome so if you are interested please contact me by e mail
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Alan Bell, is unable to carry out his role as Website Manager, until further notice.
All website enquiries should be addressed to Steve Day, Newsletter Editor and Vice-Chairman; e-mail:
Tel: 01427 787582
Mobile: 07855 193471
A further update will be issued in due course. Thankyou.