Royal Air Force
Administrative Apprentices Association

Multum A Parvo

Member Articles

Happy Anniversary To The 319th Entry, RAF Hereford 1970 -71

Today, 2nd September 2016 marks the 46th anniversary of the day a group of young lads, aged 15 -17, arrived in Hereford to begin our training as members of the 319th Apprentice Entry. Whether we had long or short careers in the service we can all be proud that we all belonged to something very special, that being membership of the 319th, and more importantly, the ROYAL AIR FORCE.
Per Ardua ad Astra chaps. It was truly great to have served with you all. The comradeship we shared could surely never be bettered in any other environment. In the words of the song we used to sing, “WE ARE THE 319 AND WE ARE THE BEST!”

Anyone out there who has memories of those days or who was a member of the 319th Entry, please join us at

‘Chip’  Porter, formerly of A Flight, 319 Entry. Clerk Secs

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Alan Bell, is unable to carry out his role as Website Manager, until further notice.

All website enquiries should be addressed to Steve Day, Newsletter Editor and Vice-Chairman; e-mail:
Tel: 01427 787582
Mobile: 07855 193471

A further update will be issued in due course. Thankyou.