Please use the form below to submit any item you would like to see published on this website. Your post can cover a wide range of subjects eg:
To tell us about an experiences during your training as an Administrative Apprentice
Your subsequent life in the RAF after leaving the AATS
Your life as a civilian after leaving the Service
Publicise a forthcoming entry reunion or other event.
Report on an event such as an entry reunion
Upload a photograph for publication on the site
All posts will be moderated by the Website Manager and if appropriate by our Newsletter Editor. By default, approved Articles will be published on our Member Article page and in a forthcoming Association Newsletter.
Posts received on subjects of a more general nature will as necessary be placed on an appropriate alternative page eg the Noticeboard, Entry Scrapbook Page etc.
You can if you wish upload a maximum of 3 images which will if appropriate be included with your article.
When filling in the form, please note:
a. All fields must be completed.
b. If you are not an ex-RAF Admin Apprentice please enter N/A in the Your Entry Number box.
c. You must indicate your agreement to our moderation policy.
For use by those wishing to submit an article for publication on the Association website and in the Association Newsletter
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Alan Bell, is unable to carry out his role as Website Manager, until further notice.
All website enquiries should be addressed to Steve Day, Newsletter Editor and Vice-Chairman; e-mail:
Tel: 01427 787582
Mobile: 07855 193471
A further update will be issued in due course. Thankyou.