Royal Air Force
Administrative Apprentices Association

Multum A Parvo

Notice Board

4th July, 2021

Craft Apprentices Who Trained As Caterers

We recently received an enquiry from a former 330th entry Craft Apprentice who trained as a cook but whose name was not listed in the entry list. I am taking this opportunity to remind everyone that that Catering trade Craft Apprentices who trained alongside Administrative Apprentices at Hereford from 1968 until the end of the Apprentice Scheme in 1973, are eligible to join our Association.

The Service numbers allocated to the Administrative Apprentices were in a block purely relating to the Secretarial and Supply trades whereas the Service numbers allocated to Craft Apprentices (8007134 to 8015679) related to all trades and all the training schools. When our Chairman carried out his research with the Personnel Management Centre and the Disclosures Cell to put names to numbers, it proved impossible to identify individual trades in that 8,546 block. Therefore, over the years we have relied upon contact from former eligible Craft Apprentices in order for them to be added to the appropriate Entry lists. If you are an ex Catering trade Craft Apprentice and  your name is missing from your entry list, please do get in touch with me at:

Our Entry Scrapbook pages which all contain a list of known entry members, can be accessed  by clicking here

Two ex-Catering Craft Apprentices are already Association members and we would be delighted if others would consider joining us.

A membership form can be obtained by clicking here


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A further update will be issued in due course. Thankyou.