Royal Air Force
Administrative Apprentices Association

Multum A Parvo

Find My Friend

The following requests have been made to help find a friend. If you can help then please contact the person who made the request direct by E-mail. It would be appreciated if those making requests would get in touch with the site administrator at if attempts to find a friend are successful. It is worth pointing out too that the Membership Secretary may be able to help those trying to contact a friend should a contact e-mail address listed on this page prove to be incorrect. Needless to say it would be helpful if seekers still trying to make contact could notify me of any change to their e-mail addresses.

To ensure that requests are not displayed for overly long periods, the Find A Friend list will be reviewed at regular intervals and individual entries may be removed at the discretion of the Website Manager. If a request is removed, senders are at liberty to resubmit them.

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Date Applicants Name Applicants Entry Number Email Wish To Contact His Entry Number Other Information
2023-12-06 Geof "Jesse" Jmes 301, RAF Halton, 1964 David NEEHAM 301 We were Administrative Apprentices (Medical) at RAF Halton in 1964. After passing out, we were posted from Halton, to RAF (Hospital) Wroughton. We became good mates at Wroughton. Dave came from near Barnstable. We went there when on leave from Wroughton. I last saw Dave in May 1965. I have always wondered about Dave and what he did with his life. I have been trying to find him for some time, but with no success. I now live in Queensland, Australia. If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it greatly.......Geof James
2024-04-23 James Fagan 306th Anyone from the 306th Clk Secs 306th I recall all of the names but understand that some have passed over. After Hereford I was posted to RAF Waddington where I met my first wife. Anyway that followed by joining the Attestation gang based at RAF Stafford which I think was the start of my disillusion with getting any promotion. So I stuck it out until 1973 and paid the £250 to get out. To be honest it was the right decision and I have never looked back. I'm now retired with my second wife here in Somerset and I recall Derek Bunce as he was two beds down from me. But are there any other Clk Secs out there from the 306th?
2024-02-26 Kim Swallow N/A Roy Disney N/A RAF Hullavington 1960/1961
2024-09-07 John Ray 330 Ken Heyes 330 Went to RAF Coningsby after Hereord
2024-10-22 David Williams 314 Entry David Samual Fishburn 313 Entry Throughout his career, kown as Sam Fishburn. Sam was from Thornaby on Tees, Teesside. Lost contact with Sam 1985/86-ish, Sam was then I believe based as I recall RAF North Luffenham?
2024-10-22 David Williams 314 David Patterson 314 Lost contact with Dave 1971, then based at RAF Wroughton.
2024-10-22 David Williams 314 Robert (Bob) Orton 314 Lost contact when I remastered, and was posted from RAF Lyneham, to RAF St Athan-1971 ish.
2024-12-21 Paul Rowse N/A Jeffrey Nunley 303 In the late 1960's and early 70's I worked as a P2 clerk at RAF Uxbridge along with a good friend and colleague named Jeff Nunley who I would very much like to contact again for old time sake. I'm fairly sure that the Jeff Nunley I knew was an ex Boy Entrant or Admin Apprentice in the mid 1960's and would, I think, have been posted to Uxbridge sometime before I arrived there from Aden in January 1968. I wasn't an Admin Apprentice myself but did train at RAF Hereford as a 48th entry Boy Entrant in 1963/64. If there is a chance that he was the Jeff Nunley featured here as an ex 303 Admin Apprentice I would be very grateful for any information that could assist me in making contact with him again after a gap of over 50 years!! Many thanks ...Paul Rowse
2025-01-07 Robert standlick N/a Steve Thompson 324 I was a cook on 324 entry, posted from training to RAF Thorney island along with Steve Thompson, he was best man at my wedding and want him to attend our golden wedding anniversary party
2025-03-12 Rob Weller 306 Eddie Vaughan 307 He came from Ebbw Vale and we used to catch the train/bus over there on Saturday afternoons for his mum to feed us. Last heard of in August 1967
Date Applicants Name Applicants Entry Number Email Wish To Contact His Entry Number Other Information