The THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTH Entry was attested on 5 January 1966. Training in the trades of Clerk Secretarial and Supplier was undertaken at RAF Hereford and Nursing Attendant at RAF Halton: The Entry passed out on 16 December 1966.
Dave Steenson and Tony Hammond (both 305th Clk Sec) met up recently and provided this image found on Facebook.
50th Anniversary Reunion – 16th and 17th April 2016
Jim Parker, Keith Finter, Ray Parfitt, John Lawrence, Brian & Pat Steenson, Dave & Elaine Steenson and Tony & Sylvia Hammonds enjoyed a very successful and convivial re-union at the Bicester Spa and Country Club over Sat 16th and Sun 17th April 2016 the highlight of the weekend being a formal dinner on the Sunday evening. Jim, John, Keith and Tony also tackled the resort’s golf course on the Monday morning; suffice to say the scores remain classified information!!!
Picture below posted by David Tomlinmson in July 2018 on the RAF Hereford Facebook site. If you recognise anyone please let me know
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