The TWENTY FIFTH Entry was attested at the Administrative Apprentice Training School RAF Hereford in May 1955. Training was undertaken there in the trades of Clerk Secretarial, Pay Accounting and Supply until 20 December 1956.
November 2018
My thanks to Grahame May who has kindly sent us these images. If you have anything to add to this gallery please send your images to me and I will be pleased to include them.
Obituary For – Anthony F Course (593057) – Bill Huggins (5th)
Tony Course passed away on 7th May 2018 after suffering for 2½ years with a number of health problems, including cancer.
I have written quite a number of obituaries over the years, but this is the first where I have never met the deceased. Tony and I exchanged letters over a number of years and because of this background I feel that it is just one more that I must write.
We almost met a few years ago when my wife and I were in Mereton (France) and I telephoned to try and arrange a meeting; unfortunately, I could not contact him.
Tony had served in the RAF in France and, although he returned to the UK, initially he moved to Brittany and finally settled in Menton: an area known to his wife from her childhood.
His first letter to me gave me details of his various serious medical problems – however, he wrote of them as an inconvenience rather than a major factor. Every letter from Tony both moved and amused me. His acceptance of his complex medical condition, his confidence in the French medical system and tales of his humour when joking with the various drivers to his many medical appointments.
Whilst we never met, his letters and attitude, almost of humour, gave me a deep impression of a brave and cheerful soul. A renowned French writer penned the following;
“Perfect courage lies in behaving without witnesses as we would be capable of behaving in full view”.
Au Revoir Tony, mon ami
With condolences to Gillie and family (Bill Huggins 5th)
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