Royal Air Force
Administrative Apprentices Association

Multum A Parvo

Member Articles

Visitor To The RAF Heritage Centre Bircham Newton – Dixie Dean (40th

A visitor of note on 25 June 2023 was Tina Norman whose father Sgt Steve Deacon was a Supply Trade Training Instructor at Bircham Newton 1959-62. Tina shared her experience of life at Bircham and explained her father did not have the opportunity to visit the HC before he died in 2006 aged 71 .She was surprised when I showed her a photograph of the Bircham football team and that I had played in the same team with her father on numerous occasions. Bircham also had an apprentice only side but in the RAF Station Wednesday leagues the team comprised apprentice and permanent staff. Steve was ex 12th Entry St Athan. He served at a number of units after Bircham including RAAF Edinburgh Field 1962, RAF West Raynham and Fetwell (officer training) 1965, Kinloss 1966, Shawbury 1967, Seletar 1968, SCC Hendon 1971, MOD London 1976, NAMMA Munich 1979, Northwood/Falklands 1982, 16MU Stafford 1982-84 retiring as a Wing Commander.




Due to unforeseen circumstances, Alan Bell, is unable to carry out his role as Website Manager, until further notice.

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A further update will be issued in due course. Thankyou.