Royal Air Force
Administrative Apprentices Association

Multum A Parvo

Member Articles

310th New Boy

From Brian BC Croft off FB RAF Hereford

September 7th 1968…….50 years ago today a 15 and a half year old boy straight out of school got on a train at Masbro station in Rotherham. He was heading to RAF Hereford to start a 24 year adventure. That boy my friends was me. Along with another boy Paul Nicholson, we headed into the unknown. I do not regret a single minute of those 24 years, friends I made during my time in the RAF were many, some still in contact with me. All of them I thank for their friendship! Long may that continue. Per Ardua Ad Astra, which we all know means…… .F… you Jack I’m Fireproof!!
Cheers all……BC.