Does any Apprentice who paraded under my instruction near to lunchtime on a drill lesson, remember my son (Michael) 4 to 5 years of age at the time, coming on the parade ground from behind me and on a three wheeler tricycle, and saying, “Dad our MUM said you got to come home, your dinners ready “.
What I do recall is that not one of those Apprentices showed any sign of laughter. That to me at the time showed how well discipline they were,
I think they must have been well into the second half of their training programme, a more junior entry might well have reacted differently. Later, after their dismissal to lunch, their reaction was laudable .To top it all Michael had stolen the wheels from next doors married quarter. All I got when I told him off was, ‘ah well he didn’t do any harm, or did he hurt your pride. Email me I would love to know if anyone remembers.
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